Thursday 14 October 2010


Binary opposition
One bully / one victim
Right /wrong
Love / hate
Trust / betrayal

Core actors
Hero – To seek out revenge on those who have bullied him and his friends and he aims to put a stop to this. The hero is a very emotional character who is experiencing a roller coaster ride as he goes to a new college. He experiences and tolerates being bullied until eventually he stands his ground and makes the difference which is needed.
Villains - A group of people who get pleasure from bullying, robbing and intimidating others. The villains are a gang of people who victimise and get pleasure from seeing other people suffer.
Heroin - A goal achieved at the end of the movie the hero would have achieved freedom, friendship and peace of mind.
Mentor - A character that provides advice and support and helps the plot to further climb deeper. This is a person who is experiences the same punishment as the hero, and wants to put a stop to it.
Extra’s – The extras in the film will be mostly used as an audience which will make the film have a larger context and adds to fine detail. Extras could also be there to create a noise which can add to the effect of the genre.
The three acts
The setup- hero switched college to a new area to live there happily ever after.
The set back- hero is threatened and beaten up by bullies/villain.
The resolution- the hero realises the only way to fix the situation is to fight for his pride and for what he believes is right.
Settings and Props
In our movie we will be using a wide range of settings and props; one of the settings we are aiming to use is a car park. We believe that a car park represents urban areas and that it will set the scene and mood for the film. We want the car park as in the film the characters are going to be college students and we believe that this will make the movie more realists to viewers.
We are also hoping to use props for example, we will use make up to represent bruises which coincides with the title of the film ‘Beneath the Bruises’. As we start to film if we think that our piece would be more effective with different props we will get hold of them. We will have extras which includes people which will be there for an audience for the fight scene. Having an audience would make the fight scene have a better atmosphere. We will get cars in which will give the impression that people have come to watch the fight.

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